Pair of scabellons by André-Charles Boulle / Château de Versailles

Archaeodendrometric study of a pair of scabellons from the apartments of the Grand Dauphin
As part of the historical and material research carried out on 17th and 18th century furniture, the archaeodendrometric examinations whose results are presented below were carried out on a pair of scabellons by André-Charles Boulle, recently acquired by the Versailles and Trianon châteaux estate (inv. PF2261-151/2 and PF2261-152/2). At the request of the Château de Versailles, the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF) and the Département des Arts Décoratifs du Louvre, our laboratory was asked to collect xylo-dendrometric data on the wood material used, to be compared with that already established for other pieces of furniture attributed to André-Charles Boulle.
The condition reports and the photographic campaign carried out in 2022 in the C2RMF workshops provided an opportunity to work jointly with the Restoration Department team to carry out the various archaeodendrometric surveys, without having to remove or dismantle any parts.
Collaboration : Département des Restaurateurs Mobilier / Ebénisterie – C2RMF, Porte des Lions / Paris